Hello World
This is really just an about me page by another name (specifically, a coding joke so basic even I can understand it). So without further ado—
Hello! I’m Smith.
Yes, it’s my first name, I know it’s weird, it’s spelled the boring way (no y’s, no e’s).
As far as who I am, I’m an artist. I do art in a number of ways but the ones that are most likely to show up here are my music and my writing, both linked at the top of the page. (The podcast is up there too, but that’s a joint venture so I’m not going to get into that here.)
I’m also trying to do the blog thing, a little, but I’m intending it to be totally frivolous and utterly without unifying theme (e.g. this post right here). Hence its name—The Brain Dump. I’m thinking of it as just, whatever I don’t want to carry around in my head anymore I’ll put here, in written form. That means the posts will ALMOST CERTAINLY be of inconsistent and questionable quality. Hopefully the inner workings of my brain have some entertainment value.
The point is, expect to see anything and everything here. Okay, maybe not those recipe blog posts that we all love to make fun of where the author feels the need to regale us with the entire backstory of /insert food item here/ before they even let us see a list of fucking ingredients (sorry if you weren’t prepared for cursing, I do it a lot, if you hate it I totally get it but leave now because it’s only going to get worse). So. Not that. But more or less everything else. Politics, philosophy, literature, science, pretty much anything that irritates me in even a minor way, but above all, OPINIONS. My opinions. So take them with however much salt your blood pressure can stand.
Remember, kids, opinions are like asses. Everybody’s got one, and you may be surprised by the one you end up most attracted to.